Updating Results

Herbert Smith Freehills

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Sustainability at Herbert Smith Freehills

7.8 rating for Sustainability, based on 15 reviews
Please comment on your company's efforts in this area.
No disposable cups at the cafe are a good initiative, but we could do a lot better with replacing single-use plastic in other areas.
Other (Please specify) - Junior solicitor, Melbourne
We have responded to the carbon and energy sectors to achieve government targets.
Graduate, Perth
The firm has its own internal sustainable lunch boxes and cups to use in the day.
Graduate, Perth
The firm has made a commitment to going paperless, which is largely successful, and has promoted recycled or reusable equipment and items.
Graduate, Perth
Graduate, Perth
Take away containers only at the in-house cafe in Perth.
Graduate, Perth
Less paper usage, recycling encouraged.
Graduate, Melbourne
No real comment. I'm told we buy offsets so that we are 'carbon neutral', but other than that no strong views.
Graduate, Melbourne